WSCC Admissions Information


This information only applies if you want to apply for your child to start in Reception at primary or infant school in September.

If your child has an EHCP, you cannot apply using this form. You should already have received information from the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) in Chichester. Please contact them if you have any questions.

If you live outside West Sussex, you cannot use this site to apply. You must apply via your own council. This will be shown on your Council Tax documents. Please contact them for further advice.

Applying after the closing date

On-time applications closed on 15 January 2025 and the processing deadline was 12 February 2025.

If you have not made an application, to apply now you will need to complete the late application form below. Be aware that these applications will not be processed until after 14 May 2025.

You will need an email address. All applications require a new account to be set up on the Parent Portal unless you have already set up an account, in which case you will need to log in.

Late application for a school place(external link)

You can save your application and return to it to make amendments before submitting it.

If you began your application after the processing deadline date of 12 February 2025 you can edit your child’s details or make any other changes after you have submitted until the application has been loaded to our system. You must ensure you re-submit the application.

Be aware that these changes will not be processed until after 14 May 2025.

If you submitted your application before the processing deadline date of 12 February 2025 it has been loaded to our system. You can amend your preferences or your address, or other details, using the form below. You will need your application reference number from The Portal.

Be aware that these changes will not be processed until after 14 May 2025. 

Change of application details form(external link)

Do not use any of these forms if you want to move your child in a different year group or at another point in the year. In these instances, you need to apply to move schools.

Applying using a paper form

If you are not able to apply online:

Any applications from outside West Sussex will not be processed.

If your child needs a school place in a different year group or at another point in the year, you need to apply to move schools.


Make an admissions appeal

Appeal against a decision to refuse your child a place at your preferred school.